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Yixing Teapot


The object is a Yixing purple clay teapot with gently bulging sides tapering towards

the recessed base, set with a short spout opposite the loop handle. The base is

incised Chongzhen renwu nian Yongqing zhi 崇祯壬午年 用卿制 (made by Yongqing

during renwu year of Chongzhen, corresponding to 1642) with the low domed cover surmounted by a oval knop. The texture of the teapot surface is not completely

smooth and shiny.

고려방 갤러리    서울특별시 종로구 돈화문로 86-1, 5F

KRB Gallery   5th Floor,  86-1, Donhwamun-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

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